Tuesday, June 25, 2019


DELAWARE.... the FIRST STATE....Amazingly there is a LOT of open natural spaces in this little state! Cape Henolpen state park.... Downtown Dover.... Victor/ Victrola museum

MARYLAND... enjoying a grape UP soda on Ego Alley, Annapolis;  there was the finish line for the across America Bike race... quite the exciting Chesapeake Bridge for the RV....

VIRGINIA At Virginia Beach.... monster hibiscus!! Stayed at The Colonies RV park in the Monroe Fort area.... tunnel driving view.... Ha Ha Ha, "Hows my Driving??"

WASHINGTON DC... Did Freedom Boat Club at the YARDS marina in DC, and helicopters swarmed like bees... also learned what a schmuck Tucker Carlson is from the dock guy at the club.

ALEXANDRIA.... at Gadsby's Tavern, did a tour to learn that this place hosted both Washington and Jefferson.... also we went to a church that was 270 yrs old and had the original pew that was rented by the Washington family.

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