Monday, August 22, 2016

Winnie the POOH!!! From WHERE??? WINNIPEG, CANADA!!!!!

Arrived in Winnipeg Canada on Sunday 8/21… and first thing we learned was that WINNIE THE POOH has his origins in WINNIpeg, Canada! See two pics in that regard….

Visited one of their top attractions- the Canadian Museum of Human Rights… a stunning building with unique architecture both inside and out.  Also had a dazzling display of exhibits inside on ALL types of rights: LGBT, womens, childrens, minorities, aboriginals, and disabled people’s.  

We also saw…Over the top parks- one of which, Assiniboine, had a phenomenal sculpture garden filled with incredible flowers and works of art- all the while a fantastic music performance was occurring (all FREE!) Had the BEST EVER Chicken Curry while there, with PILES of toasted coconut and chutney and raisins !

Yeah.... and then there was the story where we wondered if we were identified as some homeless people who needed a free meal!  During a concert in the park in Winnipeg, we were approached and offered some free soup in the back of the stage area.... hmmmm, should we consider perhaps dressing UP MORE??? Soup was.... really really good!

Tomorrow, Tues 8/22... we point the Mother Ship Southward for the long homeward journey.

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