Monday, August 29, 2016

Back in the USA!!

First day out of Winnipeg.. cleared border uneventfully, stopped in FARGO, ND and saw the infamous WOODCHIPPER - the one actually seen in the movie Fargo! We were finally able to serve up revenge to a few of the aggressive drivers we had encountered (as seen in photo...)

Had a longer than desired stay in Onawa, Iowa where first, upon our arrival we discovered that our car was dead and we had to get a jump from AAA and then went out and purchased a new battery…. Checked out downtown Omaha and WOW WAS IT WAY BIGGER than we expected! Had hoped to get a good cannoli at an Italian place called Orzios, but they only had pudding filled… yuck.  Next morning upon gearing up to leave Onowa, Iowa… the RV started and then dies right at the campsite. Turns out we must have picked up some bad diesel fuel somewhere and needed new fuel filters. This was disappointing as we JUST HAD THEM REPLACED about three weeks ago! We ended up being marooned in Onowa Iowa for an extra day while waiting for the proper filters to be express shipped from out of town.  Finally rolled out of Iowa at about 3 pm on Friday afternoon…. Drove thru a good part of the night to arrive at Memphis by 11 am Saturday the 27th to the Graceland RV Park which was right next door to THE Graceland where Elvis lived (and DIED.  Pictured are his mansion, his "Jungle Room", the piano he played the day he died, his plane (named the Lisa Marie, after his daughter,) and his grave site. Did also visit the historic Lorraine Motel where in 1968, Martin Luther King was shot and killed by James Earl Ray.  Plenty of great BBQ places … we ate at Corkys and Central BBQ, as well as Gus Famous Fried Chicken….

Oh... and we almost got to see the Peabody Ducks in Memphis- in a BBQ!!!! When we showed up, the place was surrounded by fire trucks, as it was having a fire in the laundry rooms!!
Alright... we went back for a second try to see the Peabody Ducks (after we were visited by the windshield peoples to repair our THIRD chip in the RV on this trip...) This time, we DID get to see the parade of quacking fowl... they were quite cute.
After those daffy ducks, we went to THE FLYING FISH for lunch, around the corner from the Peabody Hotel... Uniquely, the place ADOPTS unwanted talking/singing Billy Bass fish (in exchange, they give the donor a free catfish dinner platter! There were hundreds of these upon the walls of the restaurant.

Final stop to note in Memphis was significant... in the Sun Studio... which is thought to be the birthplace of rock and roll. It is where Elvis recorded "Its Alright" and signed his first contract. Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis. Bob Dylan and most recently, Maroone 5 also have recorded in this studio. Grabbed a few sweet treats at MUDDYS BAKERY...Pecan Pie, Coconut Pie and cupcakes from a place named after the picture below.... Yup, thats the Mississippi River and its nickname is Big Muddy!

We did a marathon drive from Memphis, TN to Tallahassee Florida.... only to land on the very spot on the very day, where Tropical Storm Hermine was pointed! REALLY???? We were gone the entire summer and not one single storm comes toward Florida... that is until the VERY DAY we return, and then it is heading right toward the spot we stopped overnight at???  Welcome home!

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