Thursday, September 11, 2014

Vienna Austria.... Palaces, Bones, Wrinkled old boobs & accordian playing horses!

In Austria pictures below…. Ilea holding a map during one of our many trips using the Austrian railway system; Wooden TILED floors (common, and many centuries old!); The two of us at the Shonbrunn Palace Gardens…. Note the fountains and the building in the distance in back of us, as another picture shows the fountains up close. Here, check out for size comparison, the size of the tiny lady standing in the right side of the photo as she is dwarfed by the fountain statues; The “PRATER” is an amusement park that has a famous icon of Vienna- the over 100 year old ferris wheel “Weiner Riesenrad”… where instead of seats, there are kind of RED SHEDS that you go in… also shown is an advertisement which shows how you can rent one of these for the night to have a romantic dinner in (and …. Who knows what else?!?!?)… one shot shows Ilea looking worriedly out of the “SHED” when we are looking down on the treetops; Also at the Prater are playful pix of us as skeletons (which by the way we did see real ones at the Catacombs beneath St. Stephan’s Cathedral); The pic of Bill outside the store that says .. SCHNEIDEREI (indicating what the shop is, a TAYLOR where clothes are altered…. The meaning of SCHNEIDER is TAYLOR)…. This shot was followed by a very friendly, animated, non-english-speaking owner ushering Bill in to sit down for yet another photo op at the sewing machine!; Some museum pics… one of GOLD dinnerware and candelabras used by Austrian “Top 1%”….. and several of some cool sexy sphynxes  that guard the outer perimeter of the grounds at Belvedere Gardens;  Check out the cute, yet evil cherub that is killing the old lady with the REALLY WRINKLED BOOBS! Seemingly in the name of the lord as another person holds high a crucifix; finally, is something you don’t see everyday- a horse playing an accordion!!!  

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