Monday, September 15, 2014

Burning Underwear, Jewish Cemeteries and some dead animals in Prague…

Visited the historic Jewish Cemetery in Prague… where they were buried up to 12 deep, one upon the other over time to save space- on top many of the stones were some cute snails (one pictured);  One thing there is a shortage of in Europe are the Do It Yourself laundries!  Resorting to washing things in hotel rooms, it seems that lighting fixtures become terrific dryers(…. Unless you leave them there too long, and they BURN…. Honestly honey, that brown spot on my undies is NOT what you think it is!.....) ; went to a café that was frequented by Albert Einstein (the Louvre Café in Prague); we did lots of walking as usual, and climbed to the top of the historic “Powder Tower” (where they kept gun powder) and one picture shows Ilea looking out from the roof, another shows the view of part of Prague, and yet another shows a warning sign for those who get to close to the edge!!; comfortable serpent or dragon seating for Ilea’s tired legs; lastly- some dead animals: a common site of a pig roasting as you walk down the sidewalk, a statue of a lamb with a golden arrow along with the golden crucifix held above it…. And then there is an apparent way OUT of death around here for some of the animals- as demonstrated by the deer that donned a golden crucifix attached to the top of its head in a statue; but, when they are dead, they sure do taste good in sausages!!!!

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