Saturday, September 13, 2014

Last of VEINNA…. On to PRAGUE, Czech Republic….Land of Cobblestone, Castles, Flying Boob cafes and NON-STOP Hot dogs….

Our last night in Vienna, we had an amazing dinner at Griechenbeisl… a restaurant that has been in existence since the 1500’s in a building from the 800’s!  Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Mark Twain all frequented the joint in their time!  Exceptional EVERYTHING…. Goulash, wiener schnitzel and atmosphere!  On our bus ride over to Prague the next day, we passed an amusement park that had an interesting restaurant…. (Made from a plane that had impressive paintings of naked women on the outside); In the city of Prague, of course there were many things to note…. Such as the : Non-stop HOTDOG shop; the communist museum; all the constantly pattern changing cobblestones (which were a royal pain to pull suitcases over 2/10 of a mile); an enormous statue of a woman in a kneeling position – who is just about to give birth! ; Some very fancy ornate statues at the entrance to an apartment building;  a family of three examining the HUNDREDS of LOCKS that have been placed on railings (an apparent nostalgic tradition in Europe…. Like leaving your mark on a location without resorting to graffiti or urination?) ;  the entrance to Charles Bridge(With ARCHED MONUMENT), with the view of the Prague Castle in the background; walk along the Charles bridge, and you can see many statues lining the sides of it;  some of the statues on the bridge apparently grant you good luck if you rub them- such as the one of the dead saint that ILEA IS RUBBING; a view of the Charles bridge- looking down from the Prague Castle previously shown….(NOTE- how packed full of people the bridge is at this time.) ; a sculpture of a dog seemingly upset that his owner has been locked up in a dungeon; a stand that sells “KRUSTA”, which is a sweetbread that is cooked by BBQ (rather tasty BTW); a view of some balcony window ledges within the castle….back “in the day” they apparently practiced DEFENESTRATION.(nothing to do with neutering people) It actually has to do with literally THROWING PEOPLE OUT OF THE WINDOW to their deaths!  This was done to politicians when people were fed up with them;  inside the St. George Bascilla, there was this shrine to an important person….complete with a glass window which allowed you to see the very artistically arranged bones of that person!;  a viewing of some old time weapons had the one with the personalized porn on it emblazoned in our minds; not to mention the statue of the young boy who most women felt obligated to rub (in a certain spot which was especially shiny.) ; lastly was the guy who should be on America’s Got Talent show (or maybe Europe’s Got Talent)…. He was a one man band playing LED ZEPPELIN (Stairway to Heaven)… Blowing on the harmonica, strumming a guitar, one foot doing drums and the other the cymbal  AND – check out the photo- he has a “third hand” attached to his leg, which plays a keyboard!  Very entertaining!!

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