Thursday, June 17, 2021

Tulsa Oklahoma.... and Wichita Kansas

In 1921, we learned only recently.... that there was a horrible racial clash that resulted in the white locals losing their s%@t, and murdering 100's of African Americans... throwing many bodies into the Arkansas river to never be found.  In recent days, numerous mass graves have also been uncovered.  Odd and pathetic that this was hushed over for all these years and we had never learned about it in history class. In the store below, we met and spoke with the owner- a sweet older African American woman.  We exchanged stories and also hugs.

 Our campground in Tulsa...

Our Tulsa campground above & below,  pictures of our walk through the Gilcrease museum grounds.

Moved further westward to Wichita...Kansas.  Below are pix of the Keeper of the Plains and some surrounding areas including the Troll in hiding....

Look carefully under the grate... there is a 6 foot troll lurking there!

Terrific place to eat... a place for playing Pickle  Ball, drinking and eating with your dog!




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