Saturday, June 12, 2021


 We are taking a chance this year and heading with fingers crossed to do the trip to the Canadian Rockies which was CANCELLED last year due to Covid19.  This first post finds us in Oklahoma..... thus far we have passed through notable cities as follows: Columbus, Georgia


Columbus, GA has a pretty decent downtown with a riverfront walkway which is where these couple pics were taken... Darwin is a great traveler, at 4 months, he has never YET  got motion sickness in the car, RV.... or the boat for that matter!
Did a day trip to Jimmy Carter- ville AKA, Plains, Georgia, and gained a renewed greater respect for him...Had to visit his Peanut statue (google user commented that they were so drawn to it, that they wanted to hug it till they could turn it into peanut butter!!!)
Visited Carter's boyhood farm... Darwin wanted to play with the mules!

After Columbus, came Tupelo, Mississippi- boyhood home of Elvis, and potentially the END OF OUR TRIP!!! While at the Elvis place, (Pictured below)

 the FIRST TORNADO WARNING, complete with sirens blaring caught us by surprise & we made our getaway with the car... but then a few hours LATER, while at the campground in the RV, a second round of  weather warnings once again with the sirens blaring signaling it was time to retreat to the tornado shelters (the SHOWERS here!!!)
We did a stop over at a very mediocre BBQ place, but they did have a cool shirt:
A pleasant surprise was how much we really did LIKE Little Rock Arkansas!  We had a great campsite right on the Arkansas River overlooking Little Rock and their bridges...

In addition, they have awesome parks... such as the Big Dam Bridge (Longest Pedestrian bridge in N America which goes right above a huge dam)
Darwin had an encounter (or 50) with a Mayfly while crossing one of the bridges...

Also- the most unique business, the BARK BAR... kind of a combo of an indoor/outdoor dog park with a BAR!!! Darwin had a blast, and we did as well watching him and his buddies play around.

Then there was Little Rocks impressive sculpture garden- museum quality pieces, making it probably one of the absolute best we have ever seen...

This area is quite Artsy as well-

And then, can not forget the Duck Nachos with Cherry sauce- very YUMMY!



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