Saturday, June 11, 2016

Scopes Tennessee Trial Courtroom 1925 and Kentucky Corvettes into a Sinkhole!

After having taught evolution for over 20 years, it was a humbling experience to actually visit in person the actual courtroom site where in 1925 the Scopes trial took place (A 24 year old teacher taught evolution- against the Tennessee laws at the time... Scopes was initially convicted and fined $100, but verdict was later appealed and overturned. The awesome classic film "INHERIT THE WIND" is based on this case.)

In 2014, you may have seen the news of a sinkhole in Kentucky swallowing up 8 Corvettes in a Corvette museum... see link-   We visited this in Bowling Green, where they had retrieved those vehicles from the sink hole and renovated the museum. They actually placed the Vettes back in the same position that they had been prior to the event.

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