Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pompeii & Positano

Pompeii & Positano….Wowwwww!

Took a tour through the ruins of Pompeii today- was covered by 30 foot of ash about 2000 years ago, then ‘rediscovered’ and unearthed around 300 years ago….  Where the volcano was/potentially is can be seen in the photo background (Mt. Vesuvius) … One of the MANY many rooms uncovered in reasonable shape was the BROTHEL…. Apparently, because people came from far away and may not have spoken the language, patrons of the establishment simply had to point to a PICTURE on the wall to indicate the services that they were interested in (see photo below.)  Interestingly, chiseled out in the streets were not any compass headings to find your way, but instead- PENIS & TESTICLES correctly pointing in the direction of the brothel (see photo below).  We learned that the original GPS systems were Granite Penis Systems!  Pompeii itself was an enormous site to behold! The other part of the day included a stop at the amazing town of Positano- an Italian city precariously perched on a steep cliff.  It was incredibly scenic and the photos taken do no justice to its beauty…  Oh, and to add to the excitement of this day….. later the same evening, we sailed on past an ACTIVE volcano off the coast of Italy, where you could see the bright orange magma creeping down the volcano in the town of Strombli! 

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