Monday, August 25, 2014

Barcelona really can not be captured in photographs.....

While we took a couple hundred photos & short video clips in Barcelona, this media just does not do justice to convey its extraordinary buildings.  The most famous of the builders / designers was Gaudi..... and he did some significant "out of the box" thinking.  To mention just ONE, he was the first to ever produce a fully naked, anatomically correct (in every way) Jesus hanging on the cross (a picture is included if you look carefully...)  This was at the Sagrada Familia which is a church that has been in the construction phase for over a century.... is still not done.... and they are not sure when it will be done!  Other pictures include a typical street in the Gothic area of Barcelona, Ilea resting on a bench at Guell Park, and a stray cat we ran into on the street (they feed them well over here!)

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