Toured thru the Denver vicinity... downtown, they seem to have a really HUGE BEAR peeping-tom problem. Did a day trip up to the Rocky Mountain National Park (2 hr N. of Denver).... encountered a large herd of elk - 50 cows to ONLY ONE BUCK!! Got to love those numbers...... very scenic ride thru park on what is said to be the highest altitude paved road in the US. Also visited by Columbine High School (just down the street from where our car was getting an oil change).... this was, of course the site of that terrible shooting back in 1999. Quite eerie, but place appears to be back to normal. At our campsite, south of Denver, saw hot air balloons every morning rise in front of the Rockies.....
A stop over in Denver brought us to some of our favorite relatives. Aunt Helen, cuz Lee and Mary with hubby Roy took us out for a chicken dinner we will always cherish. Also treated them to some of our secret Halibut stash we had from Alaska & a BBQ back at the RV.
In South Dakota, we visited the 'Mammoth Site' which is an actual paleontoligist dig sight! 26,000 years ago, a sink hole formed and filled with water from an underground artisian spring..... this became a trap for animals of the time- especially huge Mammoths. They slipped and fell into the water and were unable to get out.... so they died and became buried / entombed insilt and mud. This site was only discovered in the mid 70's which is when they built an enclosure over the 100 ft diameter area. Since then they have discovered well over a million bones! The bones are buried thru a 60 foot thick vicinity - so they literally only have scratched the surface of their discovery. Again- this is an actual real and ACTIVE dig site..... A + EXCEPTIONALLY COOL!
The snack bar at the Mammoth Site had a wonderful BBQ ... hmmmmmmm.
At the Mammoth Site museum, we stumbled upon one of Ilea's relatives homes! The Ukranian peoples of yesteryear made their homes out of real Mammoth bones and hides!
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