Monday, October 6, 2014

Frankfurt… “Don’t go there” they had said….

Most anyone we asked along the way had questioned WHY we would want to stop in Frankfurt, Germany…. We were pleasantly surprised when we disregarded these naysayers …. First thing of interest was a museum for “SHOCK HEADED PETER” (Struwwelpeter in German.)  This is a classic children’s storybook by German author Heinrich Hoffman with tales that warn young kids of the dangers of certain activities.  EXAMPLES: If you fail to groom yourself, your hair will look like you got electrocuted, birds and other critters will nest within it, and fingernails left unclipped will accumulate horrible debris;  another one of the stories warns not to play with matches or you will burn and turn into a pile of ashes that your pet cats will cry over; another is about how if you kept sucking your thumb, then this guy would show up and CUT YOUR THUMBS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;  This guy Hoffman also was a Psychologist who was one of the first to recognize MENTAL illnesses could have a PHYSICAL cause …. He hired, and worked with some fellow named Alzheimer (should ring a bell…) we later stumbled upon a restaurant that celebrated this Peter guy, which happened to be right next door to a restaurant we did eat in named SCHNEIDER’s;  also ate at an AFRICAN RESTAURANT which was fantastic!  No utensils, you ate with your hands!  Nice shot of a foot bridge and some of the Frankfurt skyline...... Lastly in Frankfurt, we visited their Palmgartens (Botanical Gardens)…. WOW!!! This is the best Botanical Garden we have ever seen anywhere!! Pictured is Ilea in a humungous greenhouse room that had like a thousand different types of cactus.  Very impressive place.  Ironic, as everyone we spoke with wondered why anyone would want to stop in Frankfurt…….

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