Thursday, February 15, 2007

Where is the nice WEATHER!!!!????

We are now into our third day in Mexico..... one night in Victoria, where we got stuck in the mud at the campground, one night at Tampico, and two nights at Poco Rizo
and heading toward Veracruz next. The sites are spectacular - the weather not.... nor the roads!!!! Awesome ruins at El Tajin (see pixs) ... food is good and Breakfast at 4 star hotel yesterday, they put on Sinatra LOUD on their speakers (??make us feel at home?) Vehicles hanging in there despite destructive forces of the road ....... Chevy now has speedometer prob as it shows 55mph speed when at at a stop !!! Still after 70 days on road, have yet to see 2 nice days in a row (defined as at least 65, and sunny).... everywhere we have gone, locals say that this is the worst they have seen in years!!!! One pix of huge pyrimid shows one side (92 of the 366 total openings or niches) depicting each day of the year... they had their god of thunder, and bowed to the powers of the 13 Rabbits, and were heavy into astronomy and astrology.......

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