Monday, February 26, 2007

We have now been in Mexico for a full two weeks and find ourselves in Cancun. It continues to be an adventure of epic proportions. The roads fluctuate from being perfectly paved to having potholes that a basketball could disappear through! As we ride thru small towns, small children line the streets to greet our RV .....they are genuinely excited to see us! (Or so we think) It seems some RVers throw coins and candy out their windows to these kids so they have become conditioned to "greet rvs." For us- we treat them like the seagulls at a restaurant ..... can not feed them, or they will hang around and crap on your food!

An idea of how our heads would look rolling down the stairs!!!

At "Chichen Itza" ruins ....heads rolled down those stairs -for REAL, and as in movie Apocolypto.

Nice place to hang a head......Real freshly decapitated heads were placed here to scare off others!!

Little children wait for us and wave....(They really like us!)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Campeche ..... toward Cancun.....CAR-NEE-VAL !

We actually finally had two nice days IN A ROW !!! First time its happened since 12/4..... Check out our new pix!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Home sweet motorhome!

This is an actual NASA rocket which someone converted into their actual HOUSE !! Saw this in Houston area...

As we age, we seem to become "Road Hazards" !

They had to put up a sign to contol us !!

One side of the yr (92 niches of 366)

At Tajin

El Tajin

Where is the nice WEATHER!!!!????

We are now into our third day in Mexico..... one night in Victoria, where we got stuck in the mud at the campground, one night at Tampico, and two nights at Poco Rizo
and heading toward Veracruz next. The sites are spectacular - the weather not.... nor the roads!!!! Awesome ruins at El Tajin (see pixs) ... food is good and Breakfast at 4 star hotel yesterday, they put on Sinatra LOUD on their speakers (??make us feel at home?) Vehicles hanging in there despite destructive forces of the road ....... Chevy now has speedometer prob as it shows 55mph speed when at at a stop !!! Still after 70 days on road, have yet to see 2 nice days in a row (defined as at least 65, and sunny).... everywhere we have gone, locals say that this is the worst they have seen in years!!!! One pix of huge pyrimid shows one side (92 of the 366 total openings or niches) depicting each day of the year... they had their god of thunder, and bowed to the powers of the 13 Rabbits, and were heavy into astronomy and astrology.......

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Isn't she a
"HOTTY" ??

"LOST IN LOVE......."

Bill Makes a new friend

Wow.... this blog stuff might be like addicting!!!!



Had not planned on doing a blog .... but enough of you have shamed us into it. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Hurray for our technological evolution !!! Although the trip has been full of new horizons and experiences ...... the weather has been terrible ( only hit 70 twice in two months) and we are about a month behind schedule because of electrical problems surrounding the wiring of the RV to BettyBoop ( our tow car...) Quick catch up for those of you who did not know : We are on an extended one year trip by RV to see the US, Mexico and on up to Alaska. So far, we have been VERY impressed with every state we have seen! Florida has so MANY awesome state parks (we actually kayaked down a pristine river flowing from a natural spring that HAD WILD MONKEYS in the trees by the rivers edge - they were left over loose from the making of the Tarzan movie years ago.) Louisianna / New Orleans was a blast, although the touring of all the neighborhoods affected by Katrina seriously made us sick to our stomachs...... Oddly, camped at a place called "Catfish Heaven" and ate at a place called "Possums"....ate our first crawfish at the one and only genuine tour of the TABASCO sauce company factory, where we also had JALEPENO ICE CREAM! ...... Casinos in Mississippi were fun, and the state Parks in Louisianna were impressive in SURPRISINGLY their educational nature centers. In Texas, we ate in very unusual places ..... such as a restaurant that used to be a CHURCH ( the alter was now a bar!!) and also a restaurant which used to be an elaborate BANK ! Saw first hand an oil rig which was interesting, and the ACTUAL Houston Control NASA, and the rooms where the astronauts train (didn't see any in diapers though.....) We have come face to face with wild armidillos and alligators and are on the eve of our crossing the border from Brownsville TX into Mexico where we plan to stay for one to two months- depending on how things go. Will try to keep posting regularly, but internet connection in Mexico may well be spotty and costly.