Thursday, August 24, 2017



We had thought that Chattanooga had the most awesome bike trails that we had seen... however, Nashville proved to be quite the rival! Wide, paved paths along the dike overlooking the Cumberland River were a wonderful way to pedal away some hours... In fact, we came upon a bunch of GOATS that were grazing along the path. Watching over them were a couple of dogs taking their job very seriously.
 While in Nashville, we visited the Grand Ol Opry...
 Clever ECLIPSE COOKIES to celebrate the big event....
 In the town of Gallatin (half hour north east of Nashville) the Eclipse looms large as this area is in the center of the path of TOTALITY for the 8/21/17 eclipse... Some day, ask Bill about the waitress at Swaney Swift on the Square....who had stars on her t-shirt... which signified a cancer benefit apparently!

 On the morning of the eclipse, we went on to see Tootsies Rooftop (where an Eclipse Party was to happen later in the day at a cost of $500 per ticket!!!) We easily went to the roof top, where GMA (Good Morning America) was to be filming LIVE with Ginger Zee, their head meteorologist of ABC. We got to meet her and actually be on GMA with her!!

 For the actual viewing of the Eclipse, We sought out the official center of the CENTER of the path of Totality.... as it passed by our vicinity- which happened to along a street called BRAZIER LANE in the country, 10 minutes outside of Gallatin.  The actual eclipse was spectacular beyond words, and lasted for 2 min 40 sec.  Strange shadows appeared on the ground... we shared the road with a couple of guys from the Bronx who had sought out a similar location as we did (we opted NOT to go to the large scaled gatherings that had been organized)... We had MORE than enough eclipse glasses (bought on EBAY questionable, but the free ones from the ice cream shop were just fine.

 After Atlanta, revisited Chattanooga to get some RV repairs taken care of... stayed at a terrific B&B, Bluff View Inn overlooking the Tennessee River.  Turns out we need a part that will take 5 days to get here- so we will depart for Nashville to view the Great American Eclipse of 2017 in the path of Totality (and then will need to return to Chattanooga yet AGAIN, to have those parts installed into RV.

Stopped off at Atlanta Piedmont Park and did some biking in this beautiful park...

 Prior to leaving Florida for our summer trip... we visited with grandkids.... Liam above at the beach, and Emma below, while she was not happy taking her survivor swim lessons!