FIRE ALL AROUND US - but we are safe in San Diego! As you have seen on the news, a firestorm has raged in our area. Out on the water bordering our RV park, you can see all the soot on top of the water in this picture. We have our Kayak blown up and ready to go if that darn line of fire should threaten us here! The fire actually creeped up to within a few miles of our daughter, Jessica's condo - but for now seems to have veered away.
On our car, each day there is an accumulation of fallen ash which needs to be cleaned off....
Blending in with the local surfer boys, Bill engages in a fierce episode of "in your face" competitive volleyball......... (FOOT NOTE -please pardon the pun- check out the huge "Big Foot" sized sandals in the picture, which belong to Bill & compare them with the others nearby!)
Help!! I have fallen and I can't get up!! As an outstanding athlete, Bill made a diving attempt to return a volley.
At the Chula Vista RV Resort we are staying at, Ilea visits with some fine feathered friends..... it is a $20,000 fine to feed them!!