Saturday, June 30, 2007


Question... do Great National Park trips make one horny?

Finally had to break out the protective head gear....bzzzzzz

We had the absolute most perfect day for viewing Mt McKinnley! Could see it all day long with no cloud obstructions.... bus driver said that you only get 4 or 5 days like that all year. It was most AWESOME - did not look real!!

Here are two of numerous GRIZZLY BEARS we saw at the Park.

Caught this shot of a Raven polishing off a reindeer carcass.......

Many many many incredible flowers!!

Ilea blends in perfectly with the surroundings... what a wildflower!

What a terrific park ... and we picked the perfect day!

More Alaskan wildlife which we had not expected to see...n

ALASKA !!!!!

Ilea shows off her new $25,000 earing of solid gold....

Bill hoping for the smallest speck of GOLD.... panning for gas money!

A romp with a sled dog...

At another ice museum, they had ICE hotel rooms with BEDS made of ICE - this one is a polar bear bed!

Debating whether Ilea needed to be airlifted out for emergency care ..... I KID I KID! Really its an open house for Airforce Base in Fairbanks area!

Santa and Mrs. Clause says we were VERY Good at being bad this year!!!

Uhh...picture says it all....

THey used these so called PIGS to clean out the Alaskan Oil Pipeline!!

This is an ANTIQUE snow mobile!!

All Alaska cars have this electric cord in front so in winter they can plug in to the many city street electric outlets so engine does not freeze!

Ice museum in Fairbanks Alaska.

Ilea was tempted to check out this place ....hmmmmm.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Made it to ALASKA !!! AKA : Trials & Tribulations

Way too many gorgeous Alaskan pictures to post!! Shot of mountains from highway of our moving RV…..

Ate breakfast at this Alaskan rest area’s picnic table…. Wonderful moments, followed by the 'not-so-wonderful' b/c soon after this pic was taken, the RV proceeded to break down TWICE on the way to Fairbanks ! Had a leak in the cooling system (hose) which ultimately delays our time in Fairbanks by a couple of days to await repairs.

Camped at “Sourdough RV PARK” world famous for its nightly PANCAKE TOSS competitions! The owner is amazing – comedian, musician, and quick mover- as you can see in the BLUR as he whipped by the piles of pancakes. Had to toss pancakes about 30 feet into the bucket (also seen in the pic) … if you did , you win a free pancake bkfst!

A quick jump out of the RV along the TOP OF THE WORLD 100 mile gravel road between Dawson City , Yukon and Tok, Alaska.

Travel day from YUKON to ALASKA….. Shows RVs in line to cross the Yukon river; we arrived at 7am and had to wait about 2 hours. After a couple of weeks driving thru CANADA, this was THE DAY we would cross to Alaska and it was NOT A GOOD ONE…… Ilea did not sleep much b/c she had significant discomfort in lower abdomen , and now this morning as we wait in line – she has bloody urine. Suspect perhaps passing a stone or infection. PROBLEM: from where we are, its over 7 hours backwards direction to Whitehorse (capital of Yukon) ..OR, forward to AK about 5 hours over TOP OF THE WORLD HIGHWAY to Tok, Alaska,which is mostly gravel and often very BUMPY and narrow (not ideal for a person passing a stone!!!!) Ilea wants USA so off we go. Note the ferry you see only could take one or two RVs at a time across the river. We did get Ilea to a clinic in TOK and fortunately, they diagnosed her with ‘only’ a bladder infection and probable passing of stone. Blood has ceased thankfully, and on antibiotics, she has since dramatically improved, and concerns for now , have mostly subsided.

The YUKON.... the doorstep to ALASKA !!

AWESOME FIGHT TO THE END of these Moose…. We have seen about half dozen of these! Apparently, when the male Moose fight for a female or a territory (?same thing?), they often fight to the DEATH. What happens is that these formidable Horns can do significant SKULL PENETRATING damage. Also, horns can really LITERALLY become LOCKED! Sooo, combination of the penetration of a horn into one moose head which kills THAT one is a real problem for the temporary ‘survivor moose’ b/c although you have killed your enemy, you now have your antler stuck FOR GOOD in his skull, and your horns are LOCKED!! This moose too will die a slow death, unable to shake the dead moose from his head. Pic shows the left over skulls of 2 moose that engaged in such a battle.

Snow bank in JUNE still persists…. Note the river flow has greatly subsided, and also , you can see the roots of the brush on the shoreline UNDER the snow exposed.

This Dawson City #4 Gold Dredger has been restored (dug out of 30 foot of frozen muck) and is now a museum. Breifly : this monster was like a huge Amoeba , moving in different directions, traveling with its own huge ‘puddle’ of water (100 yard diameter) … if it wanted to head , say west , it would dig its way westward , GO THRU and Crudely SIFT ALL IT HAD DUG UP, for GOLD of course/ picking it out, and deposit the non-gold stuff behind itself on the EAST shore of its ‘puddle’ ….. by doing so, it effectively MOVED itself and its puddle in a westward motion.

Took in a Can-Can show in an historic old gambling hall –‘Diamond Tooth Gerties’

On Midnight Dome hill in Dawson City – can view 360 degrees of evidence of gold digging over the last century.

Unbelievable wildlife ….. click on this pic to enlarge and see if you can find all TEN yes 10 diamond needles in this approx one square foot area of grass ! ! !

This shows one of the spectacular views of the flower lined highways we have been seeing up North.

Campground in Yukon rented out their Teepees to camp in!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Canada.... Watson Lake Sign Post Forest...

There are over 63,000 signs posted here in the Sign Post Forest ..... started over 60 years ago by a military guy who missed home. We found some from Ithaca NY, and many other NY and FL cities ...... we posted our own unique rendition.......

Bill carefully places one of two of our signs in the Watson Lake "Sign Post Forest" and if you blow up the pic (click on it) you may see what it says ....

On many occasions during our several day drive in Canada thru the British Columbia and the Yukon, we have seen Rainbows going across snow covered peaks as in this shot- if you look carefully, you will see it!!

How are the roads up here, you may ask?? Not too bad most of the time.... however, there are some spots which are Sooooo bad, that you need to be accompanied by a Canadian 'Pilot Car' so you don't drive off the road!!!

Stayed at Mukluk Annies Salmon Bake campsites and went on their houseboat ride out to the middle of a glacial lake to feed the birds.

The Alaska Highway (AKA AlCan) goes from Dawson Creek to the Alaska border ...1500 plus miles

We heated up the Liard Hot Springs!!!!

Posting pics is H E L L in Canada......

Very slow wireless computer connections in Canada : ( made posting pictures a test in patience - sometimes it is not possible!) Not much sun in Canada thus far(90% cloudy)..... except for the daylight factor. We are now in the Yukon, and the sun sets at almost Midnight and rises at about 3 am !!! Invested in some light blocking material to put over the bedroom windows so we can pretend its dark out in order to get some sleep! Gas is now $5 a gallon and diesel is a bargain at $4 ....... Have changed the settings on our blog so that now the blog is one L O N G page and more importantly - when you click on a photo to enlarge it , and then want to hit the back button to get back to where you just had been..... YOU ACTUALLY GO BACK TO WHERE YOU JUST HAD BEEN!! (Instead of frustratingly all the way back to the first main page.) Food is VERY costly in these parts .... nearly $4 for a dz eggs and $12 per lb for no frills cheddar cheese! Hopefully, posting pics will be possible again shortly !!

Crossing into CANADA !!!!

On the 8th off June we made it into Canada- British Columbia, and the wildlife immediately began to appear ..... Mama moose and baby moose, and of course BEARS of all types, shapes,degrees of "ferocicity" and sizes!!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

There was a fellow who needed help moving his house from one San Juan
Island to another, so we towed it over by boat!!

BONUS DAY !!!! Pictured is one eagle in a nest – but not the