Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Uhhhh.....L O V E S H A CK B A B Y ???

Did the Santa Barbara County wine country route which was actually in the movie SIDEWAYS, and this was one of the wine tasting businesses SEEN IN THE MOVIE, which we visited & tipped a few .....

We RV camped at a large horse ranch park in the middle of several mountain ranges.

Just outside of Santa Barbara, this is the very secluded picturesque campground we were lucky to find.

In waters surrounding Anacapa, there were many scenic rock formations and this arch.

A path along the cliffs at Anacapa, toward the Light house

Anacapa had a VERY LOUD fog horn which blared every 15 seconds, in addition to an attractive lighthouse

Look CAREFULLY- See baby gull chicks being protected by mother gull .... & Channel Island SEALS from cliff view...

Boated out to the Channel Islands National Park (Anacapa Island) , saw many hundreds of nesting seagulls and their eggs/chicks, as well as many seals and sea lions. Island had tremendous views
of the rugged steep cliffs and endless flowers. Because of the huge surges, getting on and off the boat at Anacapa was quite challenging!! While on island, a woman broke her ankle and had to be lifted out
by helicopter.

Too much beauty to endure at the Santa Barbara Botanical Gardens

Hard to dispute Mother Nature's incredible ability to produce beautiful sites ....

Santa Barbara & Channel Islands National Park

Bill gets abused by the locals....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Freakin' FREE WILLY , for goodness sakes!

Took in the San Diego zoo .... but much prefer seeing these critters in the wild.

How is the California coastline like family ???

A N S W E R : Both rock solid and highly unusual, and....on the edge.

ILEA messes around with the locals.....

Las Vegas & off to Sandiego......

Went off to Vegas, met up with our former Keys neighbors (Kathy, Dean & Danielle), and spun the wheel a few times .... (walked away $200 up YEAAA!!!) Record HEAT in the 100's ... Then to San Diego to visit our terrific daughter, Jessica & her boyfriend, Gary (They just moved out there.) Did the San Diego Zoo, Seaworld and some kayaking ---- the time flew by!!!!!