Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Desert.....Sedona, Lake Have-a-WHO?, & Lake Mead..

Relaxation at Lake Mead National Recreation Park.... where we had our RV right on the lake with this fantastic view! We did some kayaking and fishing as well as an indepth tour of the nearby huge Hoover Dam......... next- OFF TO VEGAS!!!!

Taken for a LONG ride to nowhere in the middle of the desert, we were getting very concerned about WHY..... Then- there it was, THE DESERT BAR! Really!! in the middle of the desert, a resurrected mine had been turned into a Bar, complete with entertainment powered by solar panels - And a church for weddings and confessions!?!

We viewed the London Bridge - which was bought and transported from England in pieces to Lake Havasu City, Arizona .......Who-Knew-of Hav-a-su???

Visited friends (Nancy and Gary) in Lake Havasu City (Have a what?).... They were such terrific hosts! Just look at the yummy bacon they made for us!!!!!

......Ilea soakin up the Sedona Sunshine....

Hiked up a hill in Sedona, a picturesque desert city where many western movies were made.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

RAFTING ON 'T H E' RIVER .............

Took a ‘smooth water’ float trip down the Colorado River from Lake Powell dam at
Glen Canyon to the beginning of the Grand Canyon …… incredible views of the cliffs
WHICH TOWERED about 1000 feet above us on both sides ( see the ‘little’ raft we're on?) the G R A N D C A N Y O N

At the Grand Canyon …. As anyone knows who has visited it, no picture ever comes
ANYHWERE near close capturing its amazing nature!

Bill & Ilea visit Fred......

Stayed at the 6-star Flintstone RV park while visiting the Grand Canyon…..Just great!
We thought we had seen the last of that bitch Wilma in the Keys!!

This was NOT on our list of things to see !!!

Meteor Crater !!

This shows the Meteor Crater near Benson AZ - worlds best preserved and first proven Meteor crater on Earth !! (hit about 50,000 years ago)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Off to RT 66, Meteor Crater, and the Petrified Forest National Park..

Venturing over to the east of Flagstaff, we were N O T H A P P Y to encounter some SNOW ! Did not stick much , thankfully, but could clearly be seen on top of distant peaks. Staying at 'METEOR CRATER RV PARK' .... which is associated with the worlds FIRST PROVEN and BEST PRESERVED real crater formed by a meteorite about 50,000 years ago. It was in movies Starman and Damnation Alley and Meteor... Terrific place. Trekked on along Route 66 for a bit, stood on the corner Eagles made famous (Standin on a corner in Winslow Arizona .....Takin it easy....) Visited the incredible Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Desert too.

Crossing into the USA !!

On Monday, April 9th, we crossed the border at Nogales into Arizona. IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK ...... but we really did enjoy Mexico and its people- many stories into our journal...... First nights back, we stayed in Benson (near Tucson) at an RV park that had its OWN ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY!!! Saw Saturn better than ever!!! Nearby, we also visited TOMBSTONE and the Shoot out at the OK Coral. Most amazing though, was our visit to KARTCHNER CAVERNS STATE PARK where we saw phenomenal cave formations. Alas- we were also overcome with joy to be able to shop in a REAL grocery store again!!

Happy Mexicans throw us a HUGE PARTY to celebrate our departure from their country..

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Nearing the end of our Mexican time .......

We find ourselves tonight in San Carlos on the coast, about 5 hours south of the Nogales border crossing. While the book we have refers to this town as a quiet place- it is anyhthing BUT that tonight! On the eve of Easter, Mexicans celebrate like theres no tomorrow, as this coming week is known as Santos Semanas which means Saints Week. The Bands are playing all over town, and the area is overflowing with people partying. We plan to cross back to the states Monday.


While in Cabo San Lucas, Baha, we stayed overnight in this brothel..... ok, well former brothel really!! This place had a lot of charm, with plants through out the open foyer within, all the way to the cozy rooftop pool.

Surrounded by a bunch of pricks, we watched the sun set between some impressive cacti.

Had a RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE while kayaking the Espirito Santos islands ( means spirit of the saints!) Geology was outstanding, water clear, and to top it off, one also had to look at whales and dolphins..... very tough to endure all of this.

Went Snorkling with SEA LIONS!!!!! Seriously, face to face and surrounded by them- absolutely WILD!!

Went out to see the famous Cabo San Lucas Arch... treated to a terrific sunrise as the fishing boats were heading out. Notice our Americanized little guide with his Denver Bronco, And Saint Louis Cardinal wardrobe!

Now we are styling in these, aye??????

While our lonely RV still waited in Los Mochis, we took a 7 hour ferry ride with our car over to La Paz, Baha. In the pix, see the military tear our car apart acting on their fears that we are big time drug smugglers!!!!

Copper Canyon trip.....

Arriving in Los Moches, we kept the RV there while we took a 2 day trip to Copper Canyon via the famous Railroad system. Along the way were spectacular views, security with machine guns.... and the locals selling their baskets. We overnighted at the Mirador Hotel which as the pictures show, is located on the edge of a cliff!! The balcony of the room really hangs right over the edge!! The two little girls by the rocks actually LIVE in the side of the cliff.

Using the latest claw-phone technology Mexico has to offer....

A gorgeous mermaid washes up on a Pacific beach!